My page includes information about my working practice and the work and designs that I create. As a newly emerging artist I am hoping to keep an active blog to show my work, and all of the live briefs and work that I am involved in.

Work/Live briefs

More Information to be added soon...

Crafts Fair at Denstone Village Hall.

At the end of June I took part in a crafts fair at a local village hall. I teamed up with a jewellery designer and we both sold our work. Because of the short notice I didn't have much time to make many pieces, but in the end I decided that I would make some quick ribbon brooches, aswell as other craft items, that I thought would sell successfully. I have included some images of he brooches that I made.

These simple designs were quick to make and proved to be successful with customers. The ones that sold the best were the brooches that I made from high quality patterned ribbon like the top image.

Contemporary arts practice course: end of year show. 2011.

Last month my college group had our end of year exhibition, including a private view night and it was very successful. We were able to show off our work in a proffessional manner, and also advertsie ourselves as artists. I have included some images of how my own part of the show looked. The work that I displayed was from my "Architectural Headwear" project that I was working on up until the time of the exhibition.

As can be seen in this image my show consisted of both imagery and 3d work (my headpieces), which I felt showed my work at its best and made a more successful show of my work. I feel that this was my most successful show this year and I have learnt a lot from this experence that I will be able to take with me into my future career if I do more exhibitions or similar experiences. 

Studio O Exhibition.

At the end of last year I took part in an exhibition at the Victoria Mill in Congleton. The exhibition consisted of all of the work from the artists that I work with on my college course. It was set up as a professional exhibition, where we also had the opportunity to sell our work.

These images above show my work in the exhibition. I created three framed prints and a printed seat cover for a reclaimed stool. The exhibition space was kept very clean and simple to show our work off at its best. More images are included under the gallery tab page.

Tigerprint Competition.

The tigerprint company had a competition last year to design a pattern for gift bags that would then be printed for Marks and Spencer. I had to create four mood boards to show my ideas and then a final design showing my expression of these ideas.

Brampton Hospital Display.

During my time on my college course, some staff from Brampton hospital visited the college and asked for some work that they could display in their hospital to brighten up the area and the bare walls, to create a happier mood for their patients.A lot of my earlier work was very brightly coloured and so I entered five pieces that I thought would be appropriate, from which they would choose their favourite, which they wanted to display. Below is an image of the work that they chose, which they framed themselves. The piece they chose was one of my design sheets from one of my projects on the foundation year.

Charity Fashion Show.

As a college we were commissioned to redesign some wedding dresses for a charity fashion show that was being held by Vodaphone. As a class we needed to redesign 12 dresses altogether, and both first and second years on the course took part. At the time I was a first year on my course, and I redesigned a dress in a group so that I would be able to finish it for the two week deadline. The theme for the fashion show was "Glam Rock", and so all the dresses were redesigned to this specific theme. Below is an image of the dress that I helped to design modelled and photographed by the second year students on my course at the time.