My page includes information about my working practice and the work and designs that I create. As a newly emerging artist I am hoping to keep an active blog to show my work, and all of the live briefs and work that I am involved in.

Past Projects

Architectural Headwear.

This project is about creating accessories and headwear that has been inspired by architectural forms. I am trying to contrast the historical against the contemporary architecture to create some really interesting designs and pieces. I want to create textiles pieces that are unusual and that make you question what they are about and where the inspiration has come from. I have pushed this textiles project towards the three dimensional aspect, which is an area that I thoroughly enjoy working within, as I enjoy working with many different materials and media.

This project combines the architectural forms that exsist around us and headwear/hats. These are two areas in which I wanted to explore how they began, how they have changed over time and how their purposes have changed. For example, in Headwear, their function has changed from being that of a practical or religous nature, to much more of a fashionable nature. People don't just wear hats for their practicality (to protect their heads), or because of their religious beliefs (a bishops mitre), they wear them as a fashion statement, to show their individuality. Buildings have gone from being shelter from the elements or nature, to being forms that show design and expression, aswell as having this original functionality.

Domestic Interiors

This is one of my recent completed projects on my last course, that I finished this year. I looked at mundane objects within domestic buildings for inspiration for my project. I was interested in creating exciting prints with these objects after simplifying them to a basic shape. I then repeated these shapes to form a large print which I then added colour to. My colour scheme was inspired by different eras of interior fashion, for example, art deco, 60's, Kitsch, etc. In this project I worked in a very two dimensional format until I applied my pattern onto a chair cover for my final piece.